Saturday, February 22, 2014

25 Guide on the initialization of 25 global board leg

Dear members,
We provide all members with opportunity of registering onto the pre version of $25 global board prior to the official opening.
The data of members who will not the fee from Mar. 9, 2014 to Mar. 11, 2014 will be initialized.
In addition, all data for the members who will not pay the fee would be deleted.
The members who would pay the fee will be recognized of their position in $25 global board.
The bonus which all members see at back office has been prepared to check the errors in the pre version.
All bonuses in the pre version would be initialized when the program is officially opened. The normal bonus will be applied on Mar. 12, 2014.
Now, members cannot withdraw or transfer their bonuses until Mar. 11, 2014. During this period, they cannot claim the ownership to us.
All members who participate in the program error test prior to the official opening of the program will be appreciated. We will check any problem while the pre version is provided.
After the payment system is updated, we will give your further information.
Golden Today management team would like you and your family to have happy life in every day.
Thank you for being with us. Sponsor ID - today

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